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CTP Greenslip Price Comparison

Renewing Your Green Slip? Compare Prices NSW


At Greenslips 4 Earth we know how important it is to get an annual price comparison for your CTP Greenslip. Many factors can impact a policy over time, which means that your policy today may be different compared to a year ago. When renewing your green slip, compare prices each time so that you don’t get stuck with an unfavourable rate.


Why You Should Compare Green Slip Prices NSW


There are many reasons why green slip prices could change over time. Regularly reviewing all policies before you renew your CTP will allow you to catch these changes before they negatively impact you. 


It’s important to note that these changes can be industry-wide and vary from provider to provider. This means that in the space of a year, all insurer prices could go up or just one. The only way to know which is to compare greenslips NSW prices at each renewal.


What You Need To Know About Green Slip Price Changes


Here are the most common reasons you might see changing greenslip prices, as well as a few important factors to keep in mind.


Changes Aren’t Rare


Most insurers offering CTP green slips change their prices on average every four months. These regular price changes can be for a range of reasons and the results vary between providers. Since prices vary frequently, it’s important to check them at every renewal, even if you renew every six months.


Internal Changes


At the end of the day, insurance is a business. If at any point your provider’s appetite for risk changes or they discover a more affordable or profitable way to offer their insurance, prices will likely change. 


CTP Insurance Is The same Across All Providers


Many insurers will raise their prices year to year for renewals, betting that their customers will hold some loyalty to the brand or simply choose the easiest option and stay with the same provider. From an insurer’s perspective, renewal business is usually more expensive than new business so they hope you don’t shop around and pay the higher premium. They are hoping for customer apathy when it comes to CTP Greenslip renewals. When it comes to CTP, there is generally no need for customer loyalty. 


The protection is the same for all insurers as it is enforced by the NSW government. There are generally no variations, so you get the same cover everywhere you go. There are also no multi-policy discounts available on CTP so brand loyalty is less relevant. This is why it’s not only important to check your own rate at each renewal, but to seek out greenslips NSW comparison prices from all providers.


What You Can Do To Lower Your CTP Prices


Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to impact your CTP prices. It will largely be determined by the type of vehicle you drive, its use, your age, and other fixed factors. CTP does not cover the driver of the vehicle, so claims management is less relevant, and therefore claims experience is less of an insurer feature.


Green Slip Compare Prices Now


The good news is that comparing greenslips is simple. If you drive a standard vehicle, you can compare greenslips NSW prices quickly and easily online right now. 


Use our CTP Calculator to get greenslips NSW comparison prices from all providers and start generating savings. You can check prices as often as you like at no charge and we plant a tree for each green slip we sell.

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